The Beauty Of Interfaith Marriages

The Beauty Of Interfaith Marriages

Between 2010 and 2013, I co-officiated Jewish High Holyday services with a very influential 20th/21st century Rabbi, a man whose impact on how Judaism has been practiced since the Holocaust cannot be overstated. His name was Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, may his...

The Significance of the Wedding Ring

The Significance of the Wedding Ring

Why are there wedding rings on a record album? (And by the way, what is a record album???) As far as historians can tell, people have been giving wedding rings to each other since at least the time of the ancient Egyptians; that’s 3000+ years ago! To the ancient...

Mitzi Schwarz Interview with the New Age Music Planet

Mitzi Schwarz Interview with the New Age Music Planet

What has driven my music is an intense desire to express the depths of who I am emotionally, and also to touch the Transcendent – that spiritual essence that is so beautiful, and that is beyond our everyday, mundane selves. I also sing because every creative act offers a way to bring Spirit onto this Earthly plane.



The smoke from the Dixie fire was undeniable and overwhelming. On the ground in Portland and Seattle, we were confronted head on with the heart-wrenching crush of homelessness. These emotionally walloping realities spurred me to write this reflection/poem.

The Spirituality of Curiosity

The Spirituality of Curiosity

I have been immersing myself in the psycho-spiritual practice of being consciously curious for close to 10 years now, and I am beginning to experience some real dividends. By this, I mean that I am recognizing that I’m approaching life from a different perspective,...

Mitzi Schwarz Cantorial Services Photo

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